que estamos hechos de la materia de los sueños. ¿Qué porqué lo pienso? Porque
si no, las cosas que hacemos día tras día carecerían de sentido alguno. Porque si
no, seriamos incapaces de acostarnos cada noche y liberar nuestras mentes a
mundos desconocidos. Porque si no, enamorarnos una vez tras otra sería
imposible. Ya, el amor. Se lo que piensas. Pero dale la vuelta. ¿Cómo, si no, conseguiría
alguien hacerte sonreír cuando tus labios siguen aun sellados a los suyos? Piénsalo,
dale la vuelta y déjate soñar.
________________English version:
I believe we're made of dreams fabric. Why do I think so? Because, otherwise, the things we do day after day would lack total sense. Because, otherwise, we would be utterly unable of going to bed every night and free our minds to totally unknown worlds. Because, otherwise, falling in love once and again would never be possible. Sure, love. I know what you are thinking. But turn it over. How, otherwise, would someone be able to make you smile when your lips are still sealed to his/hers? Think about it, turn it over and let yourself dream.
________________English version:
I believe we're made of dreams fabric. Why do I think so? Because, otherwise, the things we do day after day would lack total sense. Because, otherwise, we would be utterly unable of going to bed every night and free our minds to totally unknown worlds. Because, otherwise, falling in love once and again would never be possible. Sure, love. I know what you are thinking. But turn it over. How, otherwise, would someone be able to make you smile when your lips are still sealed to his/hers? Think about it, turn it over and let yourself dream.
Alessia Garnet.
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