Recordo aquells esmorzars rics en vitamines, calories i papallones de felicitat a la taula de la cuina, recordo aquells esmorzars acompanyats per la música de la radio i el començament d'un nou bonic dia a les mans. Els pares, les germanes i jo. Tots formant un conjunt perfecte i harmoniós, un conjunt unificat i unidireccional. Impenetrable i inalterable. Recordo ser petita, enyoro aquells dies.
-És una pena que ni el temps ni la vida ens donin un sol moment de treva.
Alessia Garnet
_________________English version:
I remember
waking up with that smell of freshly-squeezed-orange-juice mixed up with the
essence of toasted bread, jam and butter in the morning. I
can well remember those Saturdays and Sundays that smelled like home, sweetness
and innocence. I can perfectly recall those childhood-coloured mornings when father would wake me up by tickling and teasing me all despite
my untiring and lovely refusals. Also do I remember those rich breakfasts in vitamins,
calories and happiness butterflies flying all around the kitchen table. Moreover, I can exactly remember how the radio music would fill the kitchen along with our tender conversations and the feeling of having the beginning of a
brand new day dancing on the palm of my hands. My parents, my sisters and me.
All together in a perfect harmony, utterly unified and
unidirectional. Impenetrable and immutable. I remember being a child and ,sometimes, I do strongly long for those days.
neither time nor life do give a moment of truce to anyone.
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