It might be that, after all, all we want is to be alone so we can feel the emptiness, so we can breath the freedom, so we can accept our loneliness and so we can rebel in it, in the silence of our soul, in the calm of the sea of our thoughts, in the peace of our own controversial emotions. We need these people that tie us strong to let loose, to let us go, to force us to leave before it becomes too late, so we can get lost, found, save and sound at the same time. And despite everything we might believe there is only one way we can achieve such a thing: alone. Alone for that is how we are born and that is how we will leave this world after all. Yet is nothing but beautiful, when you find peace in this kind of lonesomeness which only you decide who to share with. I've read many times in books that for every and each one of us there is just and only one true love. Well, dear life, call me naive, call me ignorant but I must strongly disapprove such an assumption for I want to love as much as I can, unconditionally and passionately, and against the wind if necessary but I refuse to ever get stuck in something that is supposed to be forever for there are many things that last forever and, at the same time, don't.
Alessia Garnet (in a much better mood)
El meu bategar, una ànima blanca. La llum, l'aurora, filla del sol. Alessia Garnet
About me

- Alessia Garnet
- Todos empezamos a escribir por la misma razón: para liberar los pensamientos más profundos que tememos pronunciar en alto; para ahogar nuestras ansias de llorar y de gritar; para libar el sabor de vaciarnos un poco por dentro y llenar, de arriba abajo, una hoja en blanco que sin nuestros pedacitos de alma en vela, seguro seria del todo insustancial. Ésta es la versión más pura de mi alma. Más bien dicho: esta es mi alma en carne viva. Descubre mis palabras, saborea mis ideas insumisas, absorve un poco de mi eséncia. Dicho esto, soy Alessia Garnet: un futuro, joven y prometedor proyecto de escritora. Una pequeña alma blanca, viva, caótica y valiente.
divendres, 15 de gener del 2016
Rebel in your own lonesomeness.
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