Lately, I've been running short of inspiration. Why? Well, I've been wondering "why" for a time now but truth is I've known the answer since the very first moment that the question pumped up in my insides. I've fallen in love. Yes, I said it. I guess it's official now. I know I once wrote in this same blog that the key for being a proper writer was about knowing how to create drama even when your life wasn't one. Well, maybe the thing is I'm not really a spirit-born writer or maybe I am, whatever. I had fallen in love before, right, and that didn't take my inspiration away but there's a reason for that: as simple as guessing what happens when two fire sparkles come together. Fire and more fire. That's why my previous love fulfilled me of inspiration and drama for, by the hand of all that tenderness, all his harshness came along. In contrast, the reason why drama has abandoned me lately is because I've fallen in love with smooth water; with a calm, sweet stream of water that has healed my wounds and scarred illusions. That's the thing, you see, when you mix a drop of water together with a spark of fire, you get this warm and cristal smoke that goes up to the sky, silent and elegantly. Still, don't freak out, Alessia Garnet is far from being gone. Right now I'm working on a micro-narration project I came along with. It tells the story of three peculiar characters casually connected by their own naive and frustrated dreams, a drama placed in the very heart of my endearing bohemian Paris.
In the meanwhile, I'm also being busy with my photography and drawing learning process, which I'm lately also very interested in. I'm gonna post about it soon.
And, last but not least, I wanted to give special mention to someone I met around now, last year. To someone who I connected with in a very special way and has even taken place amid some of my verses in this same blog. Pommelien is an incredible girl I met in Brugge during my Erasmus in the Netherlands, who besides having a beautiful soul is such an amazing photographer I certainly look up to. I consider it a must for my blog content to hold some track of her work (which, proud and happily, includes some of my own works too). Thanks Pomme for being such a talented artist (and friend).
Here goes her blog:
El meu bategar, una ànima blanca. La llum, l'aurora, filla del sol. Alessia Garnet
About me

- Alessia Garnet
- Todos empezamos a escribir por la misma razón: para liberar los pensamientos más profundos que tememos pronunciar en alto; para ahogar nuestras ansias de llorar y de gritar; para libar el sabor de vaciarnos un poco por dentro y llenar, de arriba abajo, una hoja en blanco que sin nuestros pedacitos de alma en vela, seguro seria del todo insustancial. Ésta es la versión más pura de mi alma. Más bien dicho: esta es mi alma en carne viva. Descubre mis palabras, saborea mis ideas insumisas, absorve un poco de mi eséncia. Dicho esto, soy Alessia Garnet: un futuro, joven y prometedor proyecto de escritora. Una pequeña alma blanca, viva, caótica y valiente.
dimecres, 31 d’agost del 2016
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