About me

La meva foto
Todos empezamos a escribir por la misma razón: para liberar los pensamientos más profundos que tememos pronunciar en alto; para ahogar nuestras ansias de llorar y de gritar; para libar el sabor de vaciarnos un poco por dentro y llenar, de arriba abajo, una hoja en blanco que sin nuestros pedacitos de alma en vela, seguro seria del todo insustancial. Ésta es la versión más pura de mi alma. Más bien dicho: esta es mi alma en carne viva. Descubre mis palabras, saborea mis ideas insumisas, absorve un poco de mi eséncia. Dicho esto, soy Alessia Garnet: un futuro, joven y prometedor proyecto de escritora. Una pequeña alma blanca, viva, caótica y valiente.

dijous, 31 de desembre del 2015

Tot ziens 2015;)

Just for curiosity, do you ever wonder how lost you are? In your life, in your thoughts, in the world? 
Well, in any case, never mind but, if you ever feel lost, go, escape, go somewhere you have never been before, where you can feel even more lost if possible and there, and then, close your eyes, listen to the nothingness, or to the everythingness, and shout. Cry if you need so, or laugh. Smile, why not? Let go of everything and decide what to retain. The love? The hate? Your friends? Your dreams? Your wounds? Your broken heart? Your ambitions? Your memories? Hold on to those that you decide to keep and go back, or not back, just go and find your way. Because then, it will probably be the right one and, never mind whatsoever, just don't look back, don't stumble over the same rock twice. You're beautiful. Probably and most surely you are. Besides, I know it's weird to write about this on this day of the year, the fucking 31st of December, exactly the last day of 2015 but I'm sick of all this bullshit that everyone is writing and posting nonstop. If you want to celebrate this day (which, in my opinion, lacks of any "specialness" possible), go and toast today for all the insanities you have committed this year, for all the great moments and for every time that you've rose up after a terrible fall. However, remember, don't do that because it is the 31st of December, do it because you've been such an incredible fighter during these last 365 days. Yeah, you did it. And you will do it awesomely again this next year so, get yourself drunk tonight and fuck all the pain and drawbacks that might have embittered this last year of your life. Night is yours, Life is yours. World can be yours if you decide to be there for it. 
Happy New Year 2016, Tot Ziens 2015.

Alessia Garnet

La Fageda d'en Jordà i Crespià // La Garrotxa // Catalunya

divendres, 25 de desembre del 2015

Extraño // Missing

Es curioso, infinitamente curioso el modo en el que el mundo se ha contraído y expandido simultáneamente en mi cabeza, en mi corazón. Llevo casi cuatro meses viviendo fuera de mi ciudad natal, una increíble Barcelona resplandeciente y parece que fuera ayer cuando me subía en ese coche destinado a viajar 14 horas por autopistas europeas, cruzando casi cuatro países enteros, destino a Deventer, Holanda, los países bajos por excelencia. Qué genial y qué aterrador a la vez. Parece que aun ni me lo crea. Y ahora que me encuentro aquí, de nuevo en casa, en mi querida Barcelona, rodeada de la gente con la que he vivido desde tiempos inmemorables (o no tan inmemorables), es como si me faltara el oxigeno. Como si el aire me faltase en los pulmones y esa anoxia se contagiara por todas las arterias y venas de mi cuerpo, sin dejar una pizca de esencia intacta. Creo que extraño el sentirme extraña. Extraño el ser distinta. El preguntar ¿Cuál es tu historia?. El amanecer en una ciudad cuyas pupilas nunca he vislumbrado antes. El coger un tren sin estar segura de su destino debido a la falta de incomprensión del idioma. El esforzarme en entender una lengua que suena a sonidos inteligibles, de gente borracha, a mis oídos. Extraño que me vean y digan: "¡Spanish!". Extraño probar cervezas de países en los que nunca he vivido. Extraño conocer hostels y hablar con sus peculiares recepcionistas, cada uno de una nacionalidad diferente. Extraño empezar una noche del todo normal y acabar en la situación más surrealista posible. Despertarme en Alemania y acostarme en Suiza. Respirar aires que huelen a Hipster. Oler recuerdos que huelen a lejano. Discutir sobre culturas y religiones. Impregnarme de palabras en lenguas de las que ni siquiera había oído hablar. Besar labios que saben a miles de quilómetros de distáncia, cuyos pasaportes llevan letras, colores y banderas distintas a las mías. Probar recetas y comidas tradicionales de países o ciudades que cruzan mares y océanos y donde mi vista nunca alcanzaría desde Barcelona. Cometer locuras en países ajenos donde nadie me va a juzgar. Robar recuerdos, besos y sonrisas a extrangeros viajeros. Extraño ser esa chica que nadie conocía y apareció de la nada, robando suspiros y latidos de diferentes colores, etnias y religiones. Echo de menos tener que explicar a todo el mundo que por delante de española me siento catalana. Extraño tener que discutir con la gente sobre por qué mi país quiere ser independiente. Describir a la gente mis sueños de viajar sin destino, sin rumbo ni fin. Informar sobre mis estudios y definir que lo que caracteriza la gente de mi carrera es esa extraña y fuerte pasión para salvar lo que pueda quedar de nuestra Madre Tierra. Extraño a mis compañeras de piso, encontrármelas en  la cocina a altas horas de la noche porque no pueden dormir y terminar compartiendo nuestras pesadillas y secretos. Extraño secarle las lágrimas a una extraña que me ha robado el corazón en menos de 4 meses. Extraño organizar fiestas en mi apartamento con gente de más de 10 nacionalidades diferentes. Extraño haberme desenamorado y vuelto a enamorar a la vez gracias a una persona con la que probablemente no volveré a cruzarme jamás. Extraño ser libre, libre de hacer, decir, gritar lo que sea. Coger mi bici y pedalear. Planear viajes imposibles, ver tres ciudades en un mismo día, buscar el B&B más barato y alquilar un coche para cruzar 4 fronteras. Extraño extrañar mi hogar. Irme, decir adiós, llegar, conocer, crear, indagar, experimentar, vivir. No sé si pedir gracias o perdón. Si arrepentirme o ponerme a gritar de alegría. ¡Qué grande! Oh, por dios, ¡Qué grande y bonito! ¡Qué espectáculo, joder! Éste mundo, estas personas, estas ciudades, ... ¡No tienen desperdicio alguno! Si, es probable que me haya vuelto adicta a todas estas cosas que he mencionado anteriormente. Si, ¿qué pasa? Al fin y al cabo, todos somos adictos a algo, quién más quien menos. Gracias, a quien sea. Por brindarme tal oportunidad, por abrirme los ojos, por plantarme este camino bajo mis pies. Gracias.

Deventer, Zwolle, Giethorn, Den Haag, Nijmegen, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Gent, Brugge, Brussels, Munich, Nuremberg, Schwangau (Neuschwanstein), Zurich, Stuttgart, Winterthur, Utrecht, Rotterdam.
- 19 cities - 4 countries - ∞ experiences, moments, souls & memories -

(Más lo que aún me queda...)

Don't stop. Don't ever fucking do that. Just don't.

Alessia Garnet

______________________________English version________________________________

It appears to be curious, infinitely curious the way in which the world has simultaneously contracted and expanded itself to my eyes, to my heart. I’ve been almost four months living out of home, out of my natal city, an incredible shiny Barcelona and, in spite, it seems as if it was just yesterday that I was hopping on that car destined to travel 14 hours through European highways crossing almost four entire countries, destiny: Deventer, Holland, the Netherlands or the low lands per excellence. How amazing and how frightening at the same time. It still seems unbelievable to me. And now that I’m back here, back home, in my dear Barcelona, surrounded by the people I’ve known and lived with since immemorial times (or not so immemorial), it feels as if I lacked oxygen. As if the air couldn’t make it to my lungs and, meanwhile, this anoxia spreads all through my arteries and veins, not leaving a piece of essence untouched. I think I miss feeling like a stranger. I miss feeling different. Asking “What’s your story?”. Rising in a city whose pupils I’ve never glimpsed before. Taking a train without being sure of its destination due to the lack of understanding of the language. Making an effort to comprehend a language that sounds intelligible, as if spoken by drunk people, to my ears. I miss the funny immediate reaction of people when they meet me for first time saying “Spanish!”. I miss trying beers made in countries where I’ve never lived. I miss meeting new hostels and talking to its peculiar receptionists, all originals from other lands. I miss starting a normal night and ending up in the most surrealist situation possible. Waking up in Germany and going to bed in Switzerland. Breathing airs that smell like Hipster. Inhaling memories that smell to remoteness. Discussing about cultures, beliefs and religions. Impregnating myself of foreign words spoken in languages of which I had never heard before. Kissing lips that taste to thousands of kilometres of distance, whose passports wear letters, colours and flags utterly different to mine. Tasting traditional meals and recipes from countries or towns that are found somewhere across continents, seas and oceans, places where my sight could never reach up from Barcelona. Committing follies in foreign countries where nobody will judge me. Stealing memories, kisses and smiles from outlandish, adventurous, freesoul travellers. I miss being that girl who nobody knew but came out of the blue, stealing sighs and heartbeats of different colours, ethnicities and religions. I miss having to explain the whole world that before Spanish I deeply feel myself Catalan. I miss having to discuss hundreds of times with people why my country wants to be independent. Describing folks my dreams and my aims of travelling without destination, direction or end. Informing about my studies and defining that what characterises the people of my university course is that weird but strong passion for saving what might still be left of our old Mother Earth. I miss my flatmates, coming across them at late hours of the night because they can’t manage to fall asleep and ending up sharing our nightmares and our best kept secrets. I miss drying up the teardrops of a stranger that has gained my heart in less than four months. I miss organising parties in my flat with people of more than 10 different nationalities. I miss having fallen out of love and fallen in love again thanks to a person I might never come across again after all of this is finished. I miss being free, free of doing, saying, shouting whatever I feel like. Planning impossible trips, sightseeing 3 cities in one day, searching for the cheapest B&B and hiring a car to cross 4 frontiers. I miss missing my home. Leaving, saying good-bye, arriving, meeting, creating, inquiring, experimenting, living. Taking my bike and riding it wherever I want. I don’t know whether to be grateful or to ask for forgiveness. Whether to regret or to start jumping and shouting in glory. How amazing! Oh my God. How incredibly amazing and beautiful! What a spectacle, Jesus! This world, these people, these cities, … . They couldn’t be more worthy! Yes, probably, I may have become addicted to all of these things I previously mentioned. Yes, what’s wrong with that? After all, everyone is addicted to something, some more and others less. Thanks to whoever it might correspond. For gifting me with this opportunity, for opening my eyes, for placing this path under my shoes. Thank you.

Deventer, Zwolle, Giethorn, Den Haag, Nijmegen, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Gent, Brugge, Brussels, Munich, Nuremberg, Schwangau (Neuschwanstein), Zurich, Stuttgart, Winterthur, Utrecht, Rotterdam.

- 19 cities - 4 countries - ∞ experiences, moments, souls & memories -

(Plus what's still left...)

Don't stop. Don't ever fucking do that. Just don't.

Alessia Garnet